The sciences of Animated Physics
1. Nuclear Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Electronics
4. Cosmology
1. Nuclear Physics
Table of elements
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Click and open the zip file, unzip the program to a directory,
run the program (about 1.5 meg)
Conversion Factors |
| 10^-2 Centi
10^-3 Milli 10^-6 Micro 10^-9 Nano 10^-10 Angstrom 10^-12 Pico 10^-15 Femto 10^-18 Atto
10^-21 Zepto 10^-24 Yocto10^3 Kilo 10^6 Mega 10^9 Giga 10^12 Tera 10^15 Peta 10^18 Exa 10^21 Zelta
10^24 Yolta |